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Top Ad Implementation Mistakes for Image-rich Sites

This post was most recently updated on September 23rd, 2019

Image-rich sites are normally prone to ad implementation violations. That is because banner ads in themselves are image-based and can easily be mistaken for actual site content.

To help you avoid getting into Adsense’s radar and have your ads disabled, here are easy ways on how to avoid the common mistakes in ad implementation for image-rich websites:

1) Encouraging accidental clicks

This is the most common violation in publisher sites, in general. Adsense is very strict to make sure ad implementation will not deceive users to click on an ad thinking it’s part of the site’s content. Here are some ways to veer away from this type of mistake:

How to avoid it

2) Aligning images with ads

Publishers should not place or align the image with the ads suggesting that there’s a relationship between the two. Visitors may think that the images and the ads are directly related, or the neighboring image is being advertised. They may click the ad hoping to find the item they thought is being advertised. This can result in a poor user experience which will have long-term effects on your site’s CPM.

How to avoid it

3) Formatting Content to Mimic Ads

Choosing ad colors that complement your blog is a great way of increasing your CPM. However, it should be noted that publishers should avoid aligning images with ads or making nearby content mimic their formatting.

How to avoid it

The rule of thumb is to make sure your site visitors will have good user-experience. Deceiving tactics will never work long-term and can get your ads to disable – or worst, your account to be banned. Remember that there are a lot of legitimate strategies to use in order to increase ad revenue without resorting to sneaky ad implementation techniques.

Contact MonetizeMore if you need help in implementing your ads the right way.

Sign-up for FREE to Ad Exchange – the premium version of Adsense.

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