Tips in Creating DFP Placements

DoubleClick For Publishers / Google Ad Manager Ad Optimization
Last updated: September 20, 2019 | by Kean Graham

This post was most recently updated on September 20th, 2019

Tips in Creating DFP Placements MonitizeMoreI would like to think of a placement as a colored stack or level in a pyramid,  just to make things simple. Though, a lot of publishers underestimate the benefits of having the placement set up. In fact, some do not even use this functionality at all.

What is a placement really and how does this help us as publishers spur up performance and revenue? A placement is a group of ad units set together in DFP for targeting purposes.

Placement targeting attracts the right advertisers

Always remember that each product has a target demographics. The advertisers would want to reach the right market and for them to do this, they have to look at placements Google has lined up for them.

Related Read: How to Track Demographic Data on Google Analytics for Better Ad Targeting

Placements can be different things – it can be ad units bundled together based on their placement and positioning in the site, or they can also be grouped together by content or theme.

For example, you can create placement and name it “Site.com_All_Top” and add all the ad unit sizes that are above the fold. You can also just segment per section e.g. “Entertainment Pages Only”, or better yet do both “Site.com_Entertainment_Top”.

How to create a placement

Before jumping into bundling your ad units together, you may want to go back to your Analytics and check which pages generate the most traffic. There are also sections on your site that are seasonal, so it is best to group them together as an offering if it’s the perfect time to do so.

Related Read: The DFP Small Business Cheat Sheet Series

Below are 5 simple steps to follow when creating a placement:

1) Click on the Inventory tab in DFP.

Tips in Creating DFP Placements MonitizeMore

2) Click on Placements in the left-hand section.

Tips in Creating DFP Placements MonitizeMore

3) Next, click on New Placement and label it accordingly.

Write the name. Provide a brief description and add the ad units you want to include.

Tips in Creating DFP Placements MonitizeMore

4) Tick on advertise through Google Adwords

If the placement you’re creating is in the Home page, then tick Homepage but if it will appear in almost all the different pages in your site, then go ahead and choose Other Pages and just type Multiple Pages and choose the correct ad location in the dropdown.

Tips in Creating DFP Placements MonitizeMore

5) When done, click on Save

It’s that easy! But if you need expert advice on how to earn ten folds, go ahead, contact us and we’ll be happy to help you with any DFP strategies or questions you have. Our expert Ad Ops teams stay up to date with the latest Google Advertising Product updates and learn new techniques via Google’s Publisher University across AdSense, AdExchange and DFP!

You can also sign-up for FREE to Ad Exchange or become a Premium Publisher.

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