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Is Ad Refreshing an Important and Beneficial Strategy in 2024?


This post was most recently updated on November 29th, 2024

In its early days, ad refreshing was misused. Greedy publishers saw it as a “get-rich-quick” strategy, and it fell into a “graveyard” of disreputable practices.

All of that is changing now. Given newer technology and especially improved measurement of views, the industry is on the move again with a fresh face and great opportunities for both publishers and brands.

What’s more, in this era of ad blocking, third-party cookie blocking, and ever-increasing privacy regulations, advertisers cannot simply and easily intrude on consumers’ digital wanderings.

All of these things create a great environment for ad refreshing if it is done right.

The question is: Is ad refreshing important and beneficial to you as a publisher?

Let’s unpack the key points of this strategy so you can decide for yourself.

What is Ad Refresh?

If you are a publisher with an ad inventory, then you understand the basics. You are selling ad space to brands and tracking the clicks they receive so that you then receive payment. It’s a simple strategy, really.

What ad refresh adds to this is the ability of the publisher to switch out sets of ads based upon certain triggers – user behavior (e.g., clicking, scrolling, or searching) or on a set time frame (so many seconds, usually 30, 60, or 90 between refreshes).

But again, it must be done right so that it benefits the publisher (with greater revenue), the brand (with enough viewability and click-throughs), and the user (with value-added offerings). To ensure you’re leveraging ad refresh techniques effectively, consulting an online research paper writer can provide in-depth analysis and data-driven strategies tailored to your needs.

Simple But Not Quite That Simple

There’s a bit more than just getting that ad inventory and then using the triggers to change out those ads.

Publishers should consider using another metric for looking at the growth of revenue, such as the earnings per thousand visitors rather than clicks per thousand.

Because each publishing site is different and because the average time spent on a page may differ, the only method for finding the ideal time trigger is to test regularly and often.

Audiences change. And if you have multiple websites, ideal trigger rates will differ.

The bottom line is test, test, and re-test.

Is All of This Worth It?

The answer is yes, provided you have two things in place:

Unfilled ad requests

Unfilled ad requests are a common problem for publishers, leading to missed revenue opportunities. MonetizeMore’s Smart Refresh feature intelligently re-requests ads throughout a user session, maximizing the likelihood of ads being filled and boosting your bottom line.

Cartaode Case Scenario

Cartaode, a popular financial information website with a large Latin American audience, faced the challenge of unfilled ad requests. After implementing MonetizeMore’s Smart Refresh feature on July 5th, they saw a dramatic 36% decrease in their unfilled percentage. This directly translates to increased ad revenue and a more successful monetization strategy.

Key Takeaways

If you’re struggling with unfilled ad requests, MonetizeMore’s Smart Refresh can help. Learn more about this powerful feature and how it works here.

Let’s Recap

Ad refresh can be an easy and effective revenue growth strategy if it keeps both your advertisers and viewers happy and coming back for more.

That will happen so long as you have stunning websites and the right partner to handle all of the details.

Take your CPM to the next level by signing up for a starter account at MonetizeMore today!


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