This post was most recently updated on August 26th, 2019
This holiday season, MonetizeMore is bringing 12 gifts of awesomeness to our dear publishers and blog readers. Follow the series as we publish 12 amazing blog posts, infographics, plus additional monetization freebies just for you. If you want to receive the ebook edition, subscribe to our newsletter and we’ll email your 2015 holiday gift.
As part of our #12GiftsForPublishers holiday series, we’ve built a free Google Analytics Publisher Dashboard report template that you can use as you measure website and AdSense performance. It’s specifically tailored to publishers who are looking for an in-depth analysis of their traffic, content performance, and revenue metrics.
Access the Publisher Dashboard template here:
After clicking the link above, just follow each step prompt to connect to your site profile.
Happy analyzing!
Subscribe to the MonetizeMore blog to get your #12GiftsForPublishers ebook.
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